In a first, Indian Wins Ms. International World Title

Dr. Akshata Prabhu, a pediatric dentist and a passionate fashion model, has won the Ms. International World competition. This competition is generally tight contested as it involves participants from across the globe. Therefore, winning this competition brings fame to both the winner and the nation she presents at large.

After winning the title, Dr. Akshata expressed how proud she was to win for her country and present people with big dreams. She also mentioned that she’s looking forward to inspiring and influencing millions of people worldwide.

As the newly crowned Ms. International World, Dr. Akshata shall be utilizing this opportunity to nurture her platform, The International Glamour Project.

She had established this platform to promote an ecosystem of women empowerment. She believes that women can achieve massive goals only if they are given equitable opportunities. She is mainly focused on using this golden opportunity to promote her project.

According to her, beauty pageant projects in India mainly focus on outward appearance as the primary criterion for choosing winners. As a result, many competent women are left out of the competition because of not meeting the set societal beauty standards.

They are left out because the society has set its standards based on age, body size, complexion, and height and these are all factored in the selection criteria.

Women are excellent in multiple aspects. For instance, if you empower them properly in a certain sector or skill, they will perfect it and that is possible only through equal rights.

The International Glamour Project is all about empowering women by focusing on the participant’s inner beauty over typical outward characteristics, including weight, age, and complexion, just to mention a few.

Dr. Akshata succeeded in a contest that involved women of different ethnic backgrounds, ages, and sizes. So, this is has been a perfect opportunity for her to inspire every woman with a dream to pursue it.

Being an Indian, Dr. Akshata has worked extremely hard to reach and shine on an international stage as the Indian society remains to be patriarchal. Besides, a lot of women think being a mother is the end of everything.

However, Dr. Akshata revealed that it just opens them to new opportunities by winning one of the hotly-contested beauty crowns globally.

Through her international glamour project, she created three titles to represent women of all ages. Teenagers contest for Ms. Teen, while young and unmarried women contest for Miss. India and the married women compete for Mrs. India.

Now, as the Ms. International World champion, she can inspire and fight the notion that women can’t pursue their modeling dreams once they get married and become mothers.

Winning the Ms. International world title came at the right time when India is and continues to be in need of women role models. Dr. Akshata has promised to inspire thousands or even millions of women in the country by providing them a platform to show their true inner value.

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