Renowned music director A.R. Rahman’s daughter Khatija Rahman is making all of the young girls proud by giving so much to be inspired from. The gifted singer’s music video – ‘Farishton’ – has won the award for the Best Animation Music Video at the International Sound Future Awards.
Although the award shall go to A.R. Rahman for being the music director and the producer of the video, it is quite clear that Rahman and others consider the video to be the work of his daughter Khatija.
He tweeted the news of the musical video having won at the awards. “‘Farishton’ wins one more award. @Rahmankhatija EPI.”
This is not the very first award for ‘Farishton’ as just a few days ago, the music video won an Award of Merit at the Global, an international short film competition.
The video has also received a special mention award at the Los Angeles Film Awards.
‘Farishton’ is significant as Khatija Rahman considers it to be the beginning of her musical journey.
In a post describing her video on YouTube, Khatija says, “I was born in Chennai in a multicultural family with different genres of music and with friends from diverse backgrounds. I’ve always been fascinated with the wonders of life. As Mawlana Rumi says – ‘There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again’. The video’s main character Amal was created with such experiences of mine and the longing to explore the unknown. I hope all of you find your own journey of the unknown.”