Tuesday, February 11

Sad But True

Donovan James Jones, Teenager
Sad But True, United States

Donovan James Jones, Teenager

Donovan James Jones, Teenager A Buckeye 13-year-old passed away last Friday following complications with COVID. Donovan James Jones was born with sickle cell anemia. His mother, Teresita Horne, believes when her husband came back from a trip with COVID, it had spread to the rest of the family. Horne was the first family member to be hospitalized with COVID. A week into his two-week hospitalization with the virus, Donovan started having seizures. On November 11, he was airlifted to Phoenix Children’s. Horne says doctors mentioned to her that Donovan’s brain started to swell and bleed which ultimately led to Donovan’s death just a day later on November 12. She says if it weren’t for getting COVID, he’d still be here today. “I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, I didn't get a ch...
3 Snow Leopards, Nebraska Zoo
Sad But True, United States

3 Snow Leopards, Nebraska Zoo

Snow Leopard at Nebraska Zoo Three snow leopards have died of COVID-19 complications at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo in Nebraska, officials mentioned. It follows the death of another snow leopard at a South Dakota zoo in October. “It is with deep sadness that we inform our community that three snow leopards at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo have passed away due to complications of COVID-19,” the zoo mentioned in a statement. “This loss is truly heartbreaking, and we are all grieving together.” The zoo had declared on October 13 that three snow leopards and two Sumatran tigers had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19 in humans, after showing signs of the illness. The tigers, however, are believed to have made a full recovery following that. Last month, a sn...
Maria Troutman, Young Mother
Sad But True, United States

Maria Troutman, Young Mother

Maria Troutman Loved ones mourning the COVID-19 death of an Encanto mother who passed way a day after her turning 50. When Maria Troutman first qualified for a COVID-19 vaccine, she hesitated. Years ago, after a flu shot, she couldn't get out of bed for days. “She didn't want to feel like that again,” said Troutman’s daughter, Crystal Keller, 26. But on September 12, Troutman did get her first Pfizer dose, after a vaccine mandate at her husband's work. “If he has to get vaccinated, then she will too,” said Keller. Days later, she started feeling sick. "Fever, chills, and then she lost of sense of taste and smell,” said Keller. Six days after the vaccine dose, she was admitted with COVID pneumonia. In early October, Troutman, who had several underlying conditions, incl...
Amanda Perry, Cosmetologist
Sad But True, United States

Amanda Perry, Cosmetologist

Amanda Perry, Cosmetologist A Dickson County, Tennessee mother died of COVID-19 this week after giving birth to a baby, both victims of a homicidal social policy of herd immunity which has allowed the deadly virus to spread far and wide. Amanda Perry, had been admitted in mid-September to a local hospital emergency room with COVID-19. She was 32 months pregnant at the time and an emergency C-section was preformed. Put on life support, she was then eventually airlifted to Richmond, Virginia for increased COVID-19 support and treatment in hopes of saving her life. The 36-year-old's partner, Billy, had driven to Richmond and rented an apartment to be near his wife who died October 18. The baby, Nolan, remained in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for a month and is reporte...
Sandra Jacobs, Saleswoman
Sad But True, United States

Sandra Jacobs, Saleswoman

Sandra Jacobs, Saleswoman The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine brought about the April 21 death of Tatum Strieter-Byron's mother, 60-year-old Sandra Jacobs of Saline, a grandmother, a friend, an employee. Rationalizing or logically explaining this as rare doesn’t help Strieter-Byron, who still finds herself picking up the phone, without even thinking, to contact the first person she always called or texted with important news: her mother. “She was a real person. She is not a piece of just like fictitious political propaganda, where they’re saying it doesn’t exist. It’s not true. It does exist. She was a real person with a real life.” Jacobs died 13 days following the time she received the single-shot at a CVS pharmacy on April 8, just five days prior to the federal healt...
Emily Robinson, Pregnant Woman
Sad But True, United States

Emily Robinson, Pregnant Woman

Emily Robinson, 22-Year-Old Pregnant Woman ICU nurse Ashlee Schwartz arrives at work at Mercy Hospital in Arkansas and immediately checks their COVID-19 stats. She says the cases had surged in the summer – and most of the patients were unvaccinated. One August day, a patient stood out to Schwartz – Emily Robison, who was just 22 years old. The CDC says battling COVID-19 while pregnant can lead to severe complications. They request all people over the age of 12 to get vaccinated – including pregnant women.  Robison's husband, Eric Robison, had mentioned to the reporters that neither of them were vaccinated when his wife was admitted to the hospital. Being aware of Robison's condition, Schwartz was concerned for her and her baby, who would be named Carmen. "I knew that, more th...
Victor Mercado, Bronx Prisoner
Neighbors, Sad But True, United States

Victor Mercado, Bronx Prisoner

A Bronx man who was being held at the Rikers Island jail complex passed away on Friday following, his lawyer said, he contracted the coronavirus — the 13th death in custody during an especially deadly year in New York City’s jails. The man, Victor Mercado had been held on weapons charges since July after not being able to pay the $100,000 bail a Bronx judge set in his case when he fell ill last week, his lawyer, James A. Kilduff said. Mr. Kilduff said he had asked the judge to lower the bail last month, arguing that his client’s poor health — Mr. Mercado used a wheelchair and was overweight — made him especially susceptible to the virus. “I explained the family had limited resources, and they left the bail conditions as it was,” Mr. Kilduff said on Friday after learning of Mr...
Ekundu, African Lion
Sad But True, United States

Ekundu, African Lion

Ekundu, African Lion The Honolulu Zoo declared on Friday that a 13-year-old African lion by the name of Ekundu died on Monday, October 11, 2021. Ekundu and another 12-year-old female lion, Moxy, initially showed signs of upper respiratory illness with some coughing. Both results had come back positive for SARS-CoV-2. However, they were only received after Ekundu’s death because the tests were performed at mainland laboratories. Despite continued treatment, Ekundu passed away one week after his signs firstly displayed. Zoo veterinarian Jill Yoshicedo shared that “while most SARS-CoV-2 infections in large non-domestic cats have been mild illnesses that respond well to supportive care, Ekundu was, unfortunately, one of the newer cases where COVID seems to be linked to severe pne...
Zyrin Foots, 10-Year-Old
Sad But True, United States

Zyrin Foots, 10-Year-Old

Zyrin Foots, 10-years-old A 10-year-old boy died on Wednesday following a two-week battle with COVID-19 and complications from the virus. Zyrin Foots, a 10-year-old boy from Texas, developed Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) after contracting COVID-19. A rare condition, MIS-C causes inflammation in children's organs, including the heart, and the inability of his heart to pump blood caused him to develop gangrene in his legs. Gangrene makes body tissue die and can be life-threatening if left untreated, and the treatment can result in the loss of a body part as well. Ashley Engmann, Foots' aunt, told KTRK-TV that doctors gave her sister, Foots' mother, a choice. The choice was to amputate his arms and legs, which would give him a 25 percent chance of survival. Without the a...
Buddhadeb Guha, Writer
India, Profiles, Sad But True

Buddhadeb Guha, Writer

Eminent Bengali writer Buddhadeb Guha, author of many notable works such as `Madhukari' (Honey Gatherer) died of post-covid complications at a private hospital after a massive cardiac arrest. He was 85. According to reports, the writer, whose works of fiction reflected his closeness to nature and forests of eastern India, was suffering from post-Covid complications and had been hospitalised earlier this month after complaining of breathlessness and urinary infection, his family said. He had earlier suffered from Covid-19 in April and had been hospitalised for 33 days. Guha was predeceased by wife, eminent Rabindra Sangeet exponent Ritu Guha in 201, leaves behind two daughters. Born on June 29, 1936 in Kolkata, Guha had spent his childhood in Rangpur and Barisal districts of Ea...