Saturday, May 18

Tag: Gianfranco

Gianfranco Conti, Family Medicine
Italy, Medics, Profiles

Gianfranco Conti, Family Medicine

Gianfranco Conti – a Family Medicine/General Practitioner at PoliclinicoSant'Orsola di Bologna, Bologna, Italy – passed away after suffering from COVID-19. It was reported on 15 May 2020. Gianfranco was 63 years old. Healthcare in Piacenza pays another very heavy tribute to the health emergency. The coronavirus also took away Dr. Gianfranco Conti , who has been a family doctor in Agazzano for over twenty years. Just the dedication to work has been fatal to the 63-year-old doctor. In fact, Dr. Conti fell ill in March, most likely after visiting a patient with the virus. Since Dr. Conti got sick, a long ordeal ended for him at the Policlinico Sant'Orsola in Bologna, where the news of his death came from. "Our community - says the mayor Mattia Cigalini ...