Thursday, May 9

Tag: dos

Valdirene Aparecida Ferreira dos Santos, Nursing technician
Brazil, Medics, Profiles

Valdirene Aparecida Ferreira dos Santos, Nursing technician

Valdirene Aparecida Ferreira dos Santos – a Nursing technician at Hospital Marcelino Champagnat, Curitiba, Brazil – passed away after suffering from COVID-19. It was reported on 27 April, 2020. Valdirene was 40 years old. She attended the ICU of Hospital Marcelino Champagnat and took care of a patient with Covid-19. Rita Franz, president of Apenf, says that Valdirene's death is overwhelming for the category. “Each number for us has a face, name, family. We are at the forefront in fighting a virus that we know little about ”, he reports. Source: Paranaportal Please help us in adding details.
Idalgo Moura dos Santos, Nurse
Brazil, Medics, Profiles

Idalgo Moura dos Santos, Nurse

Idalgo Moura dos Santos – a Nurse at Hospital Municipal do Tatuapé, São Paulo, Brazil (presumed) – passed away on 31 March 2020 after suffering from COVID-19. Idalgo was 45 years old. The Paraiban nurse Idalgo Moura, 45, who worked on the line to combat covid-19 at the Municipal Hospital of Tatuapé, in São Paulo, died on Tuesday night (March 31), possibly after contracting the disease. According to his sister, journalist Mafalda Moura, Idalgo took chloroquine, a drug that has been suggested as a possible treatment for the disease caused by the new coronavirus, but has not resisted. The lung stopped responding, as did the kidney, which stopped. Mafalda said that doctors tried hemodialysis, but it was not possible, as Idalgo was v...