Saturday, May 18

Tag: Calogero

Calogero Rizzuto, architect
Italy, Noteworthy, Profiles

Calogero Rizzuto, architect

Calogero Rizzuto –an Italian architect and historic preservationist – died from Covid-19 on 23 March 2020.   Rizzuto graduated from University of Palermo with a degree in architecture in 1983 and worked as a resident architect in Rosolini until 1989. In the following years, he acquired great competence as a manager in the cultural and tourism sector through projects in Sicily.   Since 2007, Rizzuto had been responsible for the cultural heritage of the Sicilian region on the Soprintendenzen in Ragusa and Syracuse. He also worked at the Museum of Kamarina. Since Summer 2019, he held the position of First Director of the Archaeological Parks of Syracuse (Parco Archeologico della Neapolis, Villa Romana del Tellaro, ancient Heloros) and devoted himself to...