Friday, May 3


Denise Millet, illustrator & comic book artist
France, Noteworthy, Profiles

Denise Millet, illustrator & comic book artist

Denise Millet –a French illustrator and comic book artist – died from Covid-19 on 28 March 2020. She worked with her husband, Claude Millet.   The works of Claude and Denise Millet spanned from 1976 to 2019 and included nearly 200 titles. The pair collaborated with Bayard Presse, and designed the comic strip Pic et Pik, written by Stéphanie Janicot. They also drew a biographical comic of Martin Luther King, Jr., written by Benoît Marchon.   Besides comics, Millet worked in advertising, communication, and cinema. She, along with Claude, designed the poster for I Hate Actors (1986), which was nominated for the César Award for Best Poster.   Denise Millet died on 28 March 2020 at the age of 86 in Lariboisière Hospit...
Michel Tibon-Cornillot, anthropologist
France, Noteworthy, Profiles

Michel Tibon-Cornillot, anthropologist

Michel Tibon-Cornillot ‑ a French philosopher and anthropologist – passed away on 28 March 2020 due to Covid-19.   He directed research at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). He had an interest in the evolution of technology in the field of biology, leading to his authoring of the book Les Corps transfigurés.   Tibon-Cornillot earned an agrégation and a doctorate in philosophy. He was highly interested in mathematics, and his discussions with René Thom led him to the philosophical fields of complexity and chaos. He worked at the Pasteur Institute's bacterial molecular genetics labs. He was also a lecturer in technical anthropology at EHESS. His research in the philosophy of science led him to work on iss...
Dr Jacques F. Acar,  infectious disease specialist
France, Medics, Profiles

Dr Jacques F. Acar, infectious disease specialist

Dr Jacques F. Acar ‑ known as expert of microbiology and infectious diseases in France and around the world ‑ passed away on 27 March,2020 at the age of 88 due to COVID-19. In 1966, Acar became head of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the Hôspital Saint-Joseph in Paris, staying there until 1999. At the same time, he was head of Medical Microbiology at the Hôpital Broussais. He was a professor of medical microbiology at Pierre and Marie Curie University from 1973 until 1980, and was head of that department from 1980 to 2000. Acar was President of the World Health Organization's taskforce on antimicrobial resistance from 1992 to 1996. He served as editor-in-chief of Clinical Microbiology and Infection from 1995 to 2000, and an expe...
Dr. Jean-Jacques Razafindranazy
France, Profiles

Dr. Jean-Jacques Razafindranazy

Dr. Jean-Jacques Razafindranazy, 67, a retired Emergency Ward physician at Compiègne hospital in France, was the first doctor to die from Covid-19 on March 21, 2020. At the end of February, the 67 year-old retired doctor Razafindranazy, came back to the emergency ward of Compiègne hospital, 84 kilometres north of Paris, to give his colleagues a hand. L’Oise department was the epicentre of the coronvirus outbreak in France. The first patient, a 60 year-old teacher, was first hospitalised there. The man, who suffered from respiratory problems, and tested positive for the coronavirus, later died after being transferrred to a hospital in Paris. According to France Info, Dr Razafindranazy was hospitalised himself on 4 March in Lille, where he tested positive for Covid-19. His h...
Dr. Marguerite Derrida, Psychoanalyst
France, Profiles

Dr. Marguerite Derrida, Psychoanalyst

Dr. Marguerite Derrida, 87, a renowned Psychoanalyst and Translator, died from Covid19 infection in Paris, France, on March 21, 2020. Derrida, a Czech-born French psychoanalyst, had translated many psychoanalytic works into French. Derrida trained as a psychologist at the Paris Psychoanalytic Society, and translated many works by Melanie Klein. She trained in anthropology with André Leroi-Gourhan in the 1960s. The daughter of Gustave Aucouturier, Marguerite married Jacques Derrida on 9 June 1957 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. One of their sons is writer Pierre Alféri. She appeared in two documentary films where she talks about life with her husband in Ris-Orangis.
Henri Richelet, painter
France, Noteworthy, Profiles

Henri Richelet, painter

Henri Richelet –a French painter ‑ died of COVID-19 on 18 March 2020 in Paris, aged 75.   Born to primary school teachers in a small village close to Domrémy, the birthplace of Joan of Arc, Henri Richelet spent his childhood and adolescence in the neighbouring small town of Neufchâteau (Vosges).   After his Baccalauréat, he first attended the École des Beaux-Arts in Nancy, then the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 1968, he got the First Grand Prix of the Casa de Velázquez, Madrid in the etching category.   He has been living in Paris since the seventies after having spent a few years in Quebec. He was married to the Chilean painter Ximena Armas.   Besides his partic...
Nicolas Alfonsi, politician
France, High Profilers, Profiles

Nicolas Alfonsi, politician

Nicolas Alfonsi –a French politician, member of the Senate of France, representing the department of Corse-du-Sud – succumbed to coronavirus on 16 March 2020.   He was born in Cargèse, Corsica. He was a member of the Radical Party of the Left, and was by profession a lawyer. Alfonsi died on 16 March 2020 of COVID-19.